In early 2020, I was invited to submit a piece of artwork for Letter-Form, a one-night group exhibition in Melbourne, which showcased the work of several Australian practitioners in calligraphy, typography, script, sign writing, calligraffiti and more.
Letter-Form offered viewers the opportunity to enjoy the expansive ways in which one can perceive the construction of letters and the different expressions of practitioners who devote their time to it.
My piece centred around my attitude to life - that designing and building the life that one truly enjoys living is the ultimate exercise in creativity. Our journeys are all unique and I wanted my piece to capture and recognise that.
Throughout the night, I was so impressed by the variety of mediums that people thought of writing on. There were laser-etched skate boards, hand-lettered mirrors, and screen-printed tote bags, to name a few. It really made me feel so humbled to be grouped together with so many talented artists.
With special thanks to:
Venue: @revolverupstairs (Revolver Upstairs)
Curator: @dr_dosey (Dose)