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How the entrepreneurial journey changes you as a person

the entrepreneurial journey

How the entrepreneurial journey changes you as a person

I remember, before I decided to pursue my lettering full-time, how fearful I was. It was mostly fear of the unknown, fear of not living up to other people’s expectations and the fear of f...

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What does saying 'Yes' to things really cost us?

It’s the law of life that everything has its opposite thing. Every action has an equal and opposite action. If you say ‘yes’ to working late just because you feel obliged to, you’re also ...

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One pen, one pad. A simple tool, a blank page. Infinite possibilities. One human, one lifetime. An ordinary person, a new day. Infinite opportunities.

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How I found the process of writing and publishing my first lettering book

I haven’t posted anything on my blog in a while because I hadn’t felt like I had anything interesting to say. So does the fact that I’m posting something now mean that I’ve had an epiphan...

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The entrepreneurial journey

How to stop comparing yourself to others' success

Do you ever look at someone in your field who you think is successful and think, “I need to change my work to look more like theirs so I can be successful too”? You know that horrible fee...

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Lettering & Calligraphy

So you want to learn the fundamentals of Brush Pen Lettering - Customer gallery

I am so grateful to all of you who have grabbed a copy of my first workbook, 'So you want to learn the fundamentals of Brush Pen Lettering' so far. I am also thankful to those of you who...

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Heart feels

I amexhaustedfrom trying to outdoMyself. Stop and smell the roses,They say,but I can't becausemy Feet won't stop. dancingthe quickstep of the beat of myHeartthat wantswhat it doesn't have...

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The entrepreneurial journey

Something that you need to hear

Dear Reader, I just want to say that you are exactly where you need to be. Whatever you’re striving towards, I know that you are putting in effort every single day. I don’t know what your...

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lettering & calligraphy

Top 10 ways to stay motivated with your lettering

There are many reasons why you might be feeling unmotivated when it comes to lettering. It’s natural to have peaks and lulls in your enthusiasm, but if you feel like you’re stuck in a bi...

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lettering & calligraphy

What to do when you hate everything you produce

You know that feeling when you’ve just poured time and effort into writing/ lettering/ painting something, but then you look down and think ‘This looks like crap. I hate it’. You’re disap...

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